1. Reading (3 지문)
지문 1:
In recent years, the use of plastic has been heavily criticised due to its negative impact on the environment. Single-use plastics, in particular, have been found in oceans and landfills, causing harm to wildlife and contributing to pollution. Many governments are now implementing bans and restrictions on plastic products to reduce environmental damage.
Q1: What is one environmental issue caused by plastic mentioned in the passage?
- A) Plastic reduces pollution.
- B) Plastic improves wildlife habitats.
- C) Single-use plastics harm wildlife and contribute to pollution.
- D) Plastic use is beneficial for the environment.
답변 및 해석: 정답: C) Single-use plastics harm wildlife and contribute to pollution.
해석: 일회용 플라스틱이 야생 동물에 해를 끼치고 오염을 일으킨다는 내용입니다.
지문 2:
The importance of sleep for mental and physical health cannot be overstated. Studies show that getting enough quality sleep can improve memory, boost mood, and strengthen the immune system. On the other hand, chronic sleep deprivation can lead to a variety of health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Q2: According to the passage, what is one benefit of getting enough sleep?
- A) It weakens the immune system.
- B) It improves memory and boosts mood.
- C) It increases the risk of heart disease.
- D) It has no effect on physical health.
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) It improves memory and boosts mood.
해석: 충분한 수면이 기억력 향상과 기분 개선에 도움이 된다는 내용입니다.
지문 3:
The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised many industries. In healthcare, AI is being used to analyse medical data and improve diagnoses. In retail, AI helps businesses personalise customer experiences. However, some worry that AI could replace human jobs, leading to unemployment in certain sectors.
Q3: What is one concern about AI mentioned in the passage?
- A) AI improves customer experiences.
- B) AI could replace human jobs and lead to unemployment.
- C) AI has no effect on healthcare.
- D) AI reduces personalisation in retail.
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) AI could replace human jobs and lead to unemployment.
해석: 인공지능(AI)이 사람들의 일자리를 대체하여 실업을 초래할 수 있다는 우려가 있습니다.
필독! 기간한정 할인프로모션 모음집(상시 업데이트 中)
이웃님, 이번 주도 놓칠 수 없는 특별한 할인과 신상품 소식을 준비했습니다! 매력적인 가격과 다양한 혜택...
2. Vocabulary (3 지문)
지문 1:
The deteriorating condition of the old building led the city to order its demolition for safety reasons.
Q1: What does the word "deteriorating" most likely mean?
- A) Improving
- B) Worsening
- C) Unchanging
- D) Rebuilding
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) Worsening
해석: "Deteriorating"는 악화되고 있다는 의미로, 건물 상태가 점점 나빠지고 있다는 내용입니다.
지문 2:
The new policy aims to be inclusive, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background or abilities, has equal access to opportunities.
Q2: What does the word "inclusive" most likely mean?
- A) Exclusive
- B) Restrictive
- C) Open and accepting
- D) Discriminatory
답변 및 해석: 정답: C) Open and accepting
해석: "Inclusive"는 포용적이고 차별 없는, 모두에게 기회를 제공한다는 의미입니다.
지문 3:
The scientist’s meticulous research ensured that every detail was examined and no mistakes were made in the experiment.
Q3: What does the word "meticulous" most likely mean?
- A) Careless
- B) Thorough and careful
- C) Unconcerned
- D) Quick and rushed
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) Thorough and careful
해석: "Meticulous"는 세심하고 꼼꼼하다는 의미로, 실험에서 모든 세부 사항이 신중히 다뤄졌다는 내용입니다.
3. Grammar (3 지문)
지문 1:
Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb:
By the time the sun sets, we (complete) our hike through the mountains.
Q1: Choose the correct form of the verb:
- A) complete
- B) will have completed
- C) completed
- D) are completing
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) will have completed
해석: 미래 완료형을 사용하여 "해가 질 때쯤 우리는 산을 모두 등반했을 것이다"라는 의미를 나타냅니다.
지문 2:
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:
If I (know) about the event earlier, I would have attended.
Q2: Choose the correct form of the verb:
- A) had known
- B) know
- C) knew
- D) have known
답변 및 해석: 정답: A) had known
해석: 가정법 과거 완료로 "내가 그 행사를 더 일찍 알았더라면 참석했을 것이다"라는 의미입니다.
지문 3:
Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb:
We (travel) to Paris next week for the conference.
Q3: Choose the correct form of the verb:
- A) will travel
- B) travel
- C) are traveling
- D) traveled
답변 및 해석: 정답: A) will travel
해석: 미래 계획을 나타내기 위해 "will travel"이 적합합니다. "우리는 다음 주에 회의 때문에 파리로 갈 것이다"라는 의미입니다.
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