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파죠니의 어학당/영어학당62

해외여행시 반드시 알아야 할 필수영어회화 100가지! 1. Hello.(헬로우)안녕하세요.2. Good morning.(굿 모닝)좋은 아침입니다.3. Good afternoon.(굿 애프터눈)좋은 오후입니다.4. Good evening.(굿 이브닝)좋은 저녁입니다.5. How are you?(하우 아 유?)어떻게 지내세요?6. I'm fine, thank you.(아임 파인, 땡큐)잘 지냅니다, 감사합니다.7. Excuse me.(엑스큐즈 미)실례합니다.8. Sorry.(쏘리)죄송합니다.9. Thank you.(땡큐)감사합니다.10. You're welcome.(유얼 웰컴)천만에요.11. Can you help me?(캔 유 헬프 미?)도와주실 수 있나요? 필독! 기간한정 할인프로모션 모음집(상시 업데이트 中)이웃님, 이번 주도 놓칠 수 없는 특별한 할인과.. 2024. 10. 12.
[3-3-3영어공부] 하루10분! 9문제로 초단기간에 영어고수되기 프로젝트 Day 61 1. Reading (Multiple Choice 유형)지문 1:The shift towards renewable energy has brought new challenges for power grids. Unlike traditional energy sources like coal and natural gas, renewable sources such as wind and solar power can be unpredictable. To address this, energy companies are investing in battery storage technology, which allows excess energy to be stored and used when needed. However, the.. 2024. 9. 26.
[3-3-3영어공부] 하루10분! 9문제로 초단기간에 영어고수되기 프로젝트 Day 60 1. Reading (Multiple Choice 유형)지문 1:The concept of a four-day workweek has been gaining attention as a potential solution to improve employee productivity and well-being. Proponents argue that a shorter workweek could lead to better work-life balance and reduce burnout, while still maintaining efficiency. However, critics worry that it may increase stress as employees try to complete the same am.. 2024. 9. 26.
[3-3-3영어공부] 하루10분! 9문제로 초단기간에 영어고수되기 프로젝트 Day 59 1. Reading (Multiple Choice 유형)지문 1:As the demand for remote work grows, many companies are adopting hybrid work models, allowing employees to split their time between home and the office. This flexibility has been praised for improving work-life balance and reducing commuting times. However, some challenges remain, such as maintaining effective communication and ensuring that all employees have.. 2024. 9. 26.