1. Reading (3 지문)
지문 1:
The development of autonomous vehicles is rapidly advancing, with many companies testing self-driving cars on public roads. These vehicles have the potential to reduce traffic accidents and improve transportation efficiency. However, concerns about safety and the legal implications of autonomous driving remain significant barriers to widespread adoption.
Q1: According to the passage, what is one barrier to the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles?
A) They increase traffic accidents.
B) There are concerns about safety and legal implications.
C) They reduce transportation efficiency.
D) They are already widely accepted.
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) There are concerns about safety and legal implications.
해석: 자율주행차의 도입에는 안전성과 법적 문제에 대한 우려가 주요 장애물로 작용하고 있다는 내용입니다.
지문 2:
Sustainable fashion is gaining momentum as more consumers become aware of the environmental impact of the clothing industry. Brands are now focusing on producing garments with eco-friendly materials and reducing waste. Despite these efforts, the higher cost of sustainable fashion often makes it less accessible to a wider audience.
Q2: According to the passage, what is one challenge for sustainable fashion?
A) It has no environmental benefits.
B) It produces more waste than traditional fashion.
C) Its higher cost makes it less accessible.
D) It is becoming less popular among consumers.
답변 및 해석: 정답: C) Its higher cost makes it less accessible.
해석: 지속 가능한 패션의 도전 과제 중 하나는 더 높은 비용이 더 넓은 대중이 접근하기 어렵게 만든다는 점입니다.
지문 3:
Online education has grown rapidly in recent years, providing students with greater flexibility and access to a variety of courses. While online learning offers many advantages, such as the ability to study at one's own pace, some critics argue that it lacks the personal interaction and immediate feedback found in traditional classroom settings.
Q3: According to the passage, what is one criticism of online education?
A) It provides too much personal interaction.
B) It lacks the personal interaction and feedback found in traditional classrooms.
C) It is less flexible than traditional learning.
D) It offers fewer course options than in-person education.
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) It lacks the personal interaction and feedback found in traditional classrooms.
해석: 온라인 교육의 단점 중 하나는 대면 상호작용과 즉각적인 피드백이 부족하다는 점입니다.
2. Vocabulary (3 지문)
지문 1:
The committee’s decision to expedite the process helped ensure that the project was completed ahead of schedule.
Q1: What does the word "expedite" most likely mean?
A) Delay and slow down
B) Speed up and make more efficient
C) Complicate and confuse
D) Postpone
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) Speed up and make more efficient
해석: "Expedite"는 속도를 내고 더 효율적으로 만든다는 의미입니다.
지문 2:
The artist’s prolific career spanned several decades, during which she produced a vast number of paintings, sculptures, and installations.
Q2: What does the word "prolific" most likely mean?
A) Unproductive and slow
B) Highly productive and creative
C) Inconsistent and unreliable
D) Short-lived
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) Highly productive and creative
해석: "Prolific"은 매우 생산적이고 창의적이라는 의미입니다.
지문 3:
The research team’s collaborative approach allowed them to solve complex problems by combining their expertise from different fields.
Q3: What does the word "collaborative" most likely mean?
A) Working independently
B) Working together as a team
C) Competing against each other
D) Working slowly and inefficiently
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) Working together as a team
해석: "Collaborative"는 팀으로 함께 일한다는 의미입니다.
3. Grammar (3 지문)
지문 1:
Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb:
By the time she arrives, we (finish) setting up the conference room.
Q1: Choose the correct form of the verb:
A) will have finished
B) finished
C) are finishing
D) finish
답변 및 해석: 정답: A) will have finished
해석: 미래 완료형을 사용하여 "그녀가 도착할 때쯤 우리는 회의실 준비를 끝냈을 것이다"라는 의미입니다.
지문 2:
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:
If they (invest) in the technology earlier, they would be seeing better results now.
Q2: Choose the correct form of the verb:
A) had invested
B) invest
C) will invest
D) are investing
답변 및 해석: 정답: A) had invested
해석: 가정법 과거 완료형을 사용하여 "그들이 더 일찍 기술에 투자했더라면 지금 더 좋은 결과를 보고 있을 것이다"라는 의미입니다.
지문 3:
Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb:
We (organise) a charity event next month if we secure enough sponsorship.
Q3: Choose the correct form of the verb:
A) organise
B) organised
C) will organise
D) are organising
답변 및 해석: 정답: C) will organise
해석: 미래 계획을 나타내기 위해 "will organise"가 적합합니다. "충분한 후원을 받으면 우리는 다음 달에 자선 행사를 개최할 것이다"라는 의미입니다.
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