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[3-3-3영어공부] 하루10분! 9문제로 초단기간에 영어고수되기 프로젝트 Day 4

by 파죠니 2024. 9. 18.

1. Reading (3 지문)

지문 1:

The widespread use of smartphones has revolutionized the way people interact and access information. With just a few taps, users can communicate with anyone around the world, shop for goods, or read the latest news. However, the constant use of smartphones has raised concerns about its impact on attention spans and face-to-face communication.

Q1: What concern is mentioned in the passage about smartphones?

  • A) They make communication more difficult.
  • B) They reduce the need for accessing information.
  • C) They negatively affect attention spans and face-to-face communication.
  • D) They are too expensive for most people.

답변 및 해석: 정답: C) They negatively affect attention spans and face-to-face communication.
해석: 스마트폰 사용이 주의 집중력과 대면 커뮤니케이션에 부정적인 영향을 미친다는 우려가 있다는 내용입니다.

지문 2:

The popularity of online learning platforms has surged in recent years, especially with the advancement of technology and increased internet access. These platforms offer flexibility and convenience, allowing students to learn at their own pace. However, some educators argue that online learning lacks the personal interaction and immediate feedback provided in traditional classrooms.

Q2: What is one downside of online learning mentioned in the passage?

  • A) It is more expensive than traditional learning.
  • B) It requires students to study in a classroom setting.
  • C) It lacks personal interaction and immediate feedback.
  • D) It offers less flexibility than traditional learning.

답변 및 해석: 정답: C) It lacks personal interaction and immediate feedback.
해석: 온라인 학습은 전통적인 교실 학습에서 제공되는 대면 상호작용과 즉각적인 피드백이 부족하다는 내용입니다.

지문 3:

The conservation of endangered species has become a global priority. Governments and organizations are working together to create protected areas and implement breeding programs. Despite these efforts, illegal poaching and habitat destruction continue to threaten many species.

Q3: What challenge is mentioned regarding the conservation of endangered species?

  • A) The lack of global cooperation
  • B) The spread of diseases among species
  • C) The ongoing threats of illegal poaching and habitat destruction
  • D) The abundance of protected areas

답변 및 해석: 정답: C) The ongoing threats of illegal poaching and habitat destruction.
해석: 불법 밀렵과 서식지 파괴가 여전히 멸종 위기 종을 위협하고 있다는 내용입니다.


필독! 기간한정 할인프로모션 모음집(상시 업데이트 中)

이웃님, 이번 주도 놓칠 수 없는 특별한 할인과 신상품 소식을 준비했습니다! 매력적인 가격과 다양한 혜택...



2. Vocabulary (3 지문)

지문 1:

The artist’s work is widely acclaimed for its originality and emotional depth. Critics have praised her unique style and the powerful messages conveyed through her paintings.

Q1: What does the word "acclaimed" most likely mean?

  • A) Criticized
  • B) Ignored
  • C) Praised
  • D) Forgotten

답변 및 해석: 정답: C) Praised
해석: "Acclaimed"는 칭찬받았다는 의미로, 예술가의 작품이 독창성과 감정적 깊이로 호평받았다는 뜻입니다.

지문 2:

The new policy was designed to be inclusive, ensuring that all employees, regardless of background, feel valued and supported in the workplace.

Q2: What does the word "inclusive" most likely mean?

  • A) Exclusive
  • B) Selective
  • C) Comprehensive
  • D) Divisive

답변 및 해석: 정답: C) Comprehensive
해석: "Inclusive"는 포괄적이라는 의미로, 모든 직원들이 직장에서 존중받고 지원받도록 한다는 내용입니다.

지문 3:

The CEO’s astounding success at such a young age inspired many entrepreneurs to pursue their own business ventures with greater determination.

Q3: What does the word "astounding" most likely mean?

  • A) Ordinary
  • B) Impressive
  • C) Disappointing
  • D) Predictable

답변 및 해석: 정답: B) Impressive
해석: "Astounding"는 놀라운, 인상적인 성공을 나타내며, 많은 기업가들이 영감을 받았다는 뜻입니다.

3. Grammar (3 지문)

지문 1:

Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb:

By the end of this week, we (submit) our final reports to the manager.

Q1: Choose the correct form of the verb:

  • A) will have submitted
  • B) have submitted
  • C) will submit
  • D) are submitting

답변 및 해석: 정답: A) will have submitted
해석: "이번 주가 끝날 때쯤 우리는 최종 보고서를 제출했을 것이다"라는 미래 완료 시제를 나타냅니다.

지문 2:

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:

She wishes she (can) attend the conference last week, but she was unable to due to prior commitments.

Q2: Choose the correct form of the verb:

  • A) could
  • B) can
  • C) was able to
  • D) is able to

답변 및 해석: 정답: A) could
해석: 과거의 가정이므로, "could"가 적합합니다. 그녀는 지난주에 회의에 참석할 수 있었으면 좋았겠지만, 다른 일 때문에 참석하지 못했다는 의미입니다.

지문 3:

Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb:

If the weather (improve), we could go for a hike tomorrow.

Q3: Choose the correct form of the verb:

  • A) improves
  • B) will improve
  • C) improved
  • D) is improving

답변 및 해석: 정답: A) improves
해석: 조건문에서 미래를 나타내는 현재형을 사용하므로, "improves"가 적합합니다. 날씨가 나아지면 내일 하이킹을 갈 수 있다는 의미입니다.

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