1. Reading (3 지문)
지문 1:
The development of electric cars has brought significant changes to the automotive industry. With zero emissions and lower fuel costs, electric vehicles (EVs) offer a sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. However, challenges such as the availability of charging stations and battery life remain obstacles to wider adoption.
Q1: According to the passage, what is one challenge to the wider adoption of electric vehicles?
A) High fuel costs
B) Lack of demand
C) Limited availability of charging stations and concerns about battery life
D) Excessive emissions
답변 및 해석: 정답: C) Limited availability of charging stations and concerns about battery life
해석: 전기차의 도입을 가로막는 문제 중 하나는 충전소 부족과 배터리 수명에 대한 우려입니다.
지문 2:
The importance of preserving biodiversity cannot be overstated. Each species plays a critical role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems, from pollinating plants to controlling pests. Human activities such as deforestation and pollution have led to a rapid decline in biodiversity, which in turn threatens food security and human health.
Q2: According to the passage, how does the decline in biodiversity affect humans?
A) It improves food security.
B) It threatens food security and human health.
C) It has no impact on ecosystems.
D) It increases the population of pests.
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) It threatens food security and human health.
해석: 생물 다양성의 감소는 식량 안보와 인간의 건강을 위협할 수 있다는 내용입니다.
지문 3:
Social media has transformed the way businesses market their products. Companies can now reach a global audience with minimal costs, using platforms like Instagram and Twitter to promote their brands. However, the rise of social media marketing has also led to concerns about consumer privacy and data security.
Q3: What is one concern related to the rise of social media marketing?
A) It is too expensive for companies.
B) It limits the global audience.
C) It raises concerns about consumer privacy and data security.
D) It reduces the effectiveness of traditional marketing.
답변 및 해석: 정답: C) It raises concerns about consumer privacy and data security.
해석: 소셜 미디어 마케팅의 증가로 인해 소비자 프라이버시와 데이터 보안에 대한 우려가 커지고 있습니다.
필독! 기간한정 할인프로모션 모음집(상시 업데이트 中)
이웃님, 이번 주도 놓칠 수 없는 특별한 할인과 신상품 소식을 준비했습니다! 매력적인 가격과 다양한 혜택...
2. Vocabulary (3 지문)
지문 1:
The scientist’s groundbreaking research introduced new ways of understanding climate change and its long-term effects on ecosystems.
Q1: What does the word "groundbreaking" most likely mean?
A) Common and expected
B) Innovative and original
C) Unimportant
D) Controversial
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) Innovative and original
해석: "Groundbreaking"은 혁신적이고 독창적이라는 뜻입니다.
지문 2:
The company’s new strategy is sustainable, focusing on long-term growth while minimizing its environmental impact.
Q2: What does the word "sustainable" most likely mean?
A) Temporary
B) Short-term
C) Long-lasting and environmentally friendly
D) Harmful
답변 및 해석: 정답: C) Long-lasting and environmentally friendly
해석: "Sustainable"은 장기적이고 환경 친화적인 것을 의미합니다.
지문 3:
The manager was reluctant to make any immediate decisions without consulting the rest of the team, preferring to wait until all opinions were considered.
Q3: What does the word "reluctant" most likely mean?
A) Eager
B) Hesitant
C) Confident
D) Decisive
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) Hesitant
해석: "Reluctant"는 주저하는, 망설이는이라는 뜻입니다.
3. Grammar (3 지문)
지문 1:
Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb:
By the time they arrive, we (finish) setting up the event.
Q1: Choose the correct form of the verb:
A) will have finished
B) finished
C) are finishing
D) have finished
답변 및 해석: 정답: A) will have finished
해석: 미래 완료형으로 "그들이 도착할 때쯤 우리는 행사를 준비를 마쳤을 것이다"라는 의미입니다.
지문 2:
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:
If she (attend) the meeting, she would have heard the announcement.
Q2: Choose the correct form of the verb:
A) attends
B) had attended
C) attended
D) is attending
답변 및 해석: 정답: B) had attended
해석: 가정법 과거 완료형을 사용하여 "그녀가 회의에 참석했더라면 그 발표를 들었을 것이다"라는 의미입니다.
지문 3:
Complete the sentence using the correct form of the verb:
We (visit) the museum this weekend if it isn’t too crowded.
Q3: Choose the correct form of the verb:
A) visit
B) are visiting
C) will visit
D) have visited
답변 및 해석: 정답: C) will visit
해석: 미래 계획을 나타내기 위해 "will visit"가 적합합니다. "사람이 너무 많지 않으면 우리는 이번 주말에 박물관을 방문할 것이다"라는 의미입니다.
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