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파죠니의 어학당/영어학당

[3-3-3영어공부] 하루10분! 9문제로 초단기간에 영어고수되기 프로젝트 Day 58

by 파죠니 2024. 9. 26.

1. Reading (Multiple Choice 유형)

지문 1:

With the rapid development of technology, the way people consume news has changed dramatically. Traditional newspapers are being replaced by online platforms, where users can access information instantly. However, the rise of digital news has also led to concerns about the spread of misinformation, as it is easier for unverified stories to go viral.

Q1: According to the passage, what is one concern about the rise of digital news platforms?

  • A) Traditional newspapers are becoming more popular.
  • B) Digital news is too slow to keep up with current events.
  • C) The spread of misinformation is more common with digital news.
  • D) Online platforms always provide accurate information.
  • E) There are fewer users accessing digital news.

답변 및 해석:
C) The spread of misinformation is more common with digital news.
해석: 디지털 뉴스의 증가로 인해 확인되지 않은 정보가 더 쉽게 확산된다는 우려가 있습니다.

지문 2:

Many cities are encouraging the use of bicycles as a way to reduce traffic congestion and lower carbon emissions. Bike-sharing programmes have been introduced in numerous locations, allowing residents and tourists to rent bicycles for short trips. While these programmes are generally popular, some cities struggle with maintaining the bikes and preventing theft.

Q2: According to the passage, what is one challenge associated with bike-sharing programmes?

  • A) There is no demand for bike-sharing services.
  • B) Bike-sharing programmes have been banned in most cities.
  • C) The maintenance of bikes and theft prevention are difficult.
  • D) There are too many bicycles available for rent.
  • E) The programmes increase traffic congestion.

답변 및 해석:
C) The maintenance of bikes and theft prevention are difficult.
해석: 자전거 공유 프로그램의 도전 과제 중 하나는 자전거 유지 보수와 도난 방지입니다.

지문 3:

As the world becomes more interconnected, the demand for bilingual or multilingual professionals is increasing. Many companies are looking for employees who can communicate effectively in multiple languages, especially in industries like tourism, international business, and diplomacy. Being bilingual not only enhances career opportunities but also improves cognitive abilities and cultural understanding.

Q3: According to the passage, what is one benefit of being bilingual?

  • A) It reduces the need for communication in business.
  • B) It limits job opportunities to only one industry.
  • C) It enhances career opportunities and cognitive abilities.
  • D) It is only useful in the tourism industry.
  • E) It discourages cultural understanding.

답변 및 해석:
C) It enhances career opportunities and cognitive abilities.
해석: 다중 언어 구사 능력은 직업 기회를 확대하고 인지 능력을 향상시킨다고 언급됩니다.

지문 4:

The global push for sustainability has led to an increased interest in alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, and geothermal power. These sources are seen as key to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and combatting climate change. However, despite their benefits, alternative energy technologies can be costly to implement, and some regions lack the infrastructure needed to support them.

Q4: According to the passage, what is one challenge of implementing alternative energy technologies?

  • A) They are not effective in reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
  • B) They are available in every region.
  • C) The technologies can be costly and require specific infrastructure.
  • D) They are less expensive than fossil fuels.
  • E) Climate change does not impact the need for alternative energy.

답변 및 해석:
C) The technologies can be costly and require specific infrastructure.
해석: 대체 에너지 기술은 비용이 많이 들고 특정 인프라가 필요하다는 점이 문제점으로 언급됩니다.

지문 5:

Remote work has become increasingly common in recent years, with many companies adopting flexible work policies. While remote work offers employees greater flexibility and work-life balance, it also presents challenges, such as maintaining communication and collaboration among team members. Companies are now using digital tools to bridge the gap and ensure that remote teams remain productive.

Q5: According to the passage, what is one challenge of remote work?

  • A) It eliminates the need for communication among team members.
  • B) It decreases flexibility and work-life balance for employees.
  • C) Maintaining communication and collaboration is difficult for remote teams.
  • D) Digital tools are not helpful for remote work.
  • E) Remote work is not a common practice in most companies.

답변 및 해석:
C) Maintaining communication and collaboration is difficult for remote teams.
해석: 원격 근무의 어려움 중 하나는 팀원 간의 의사소통과 협업을 유지하는 것입니다.


필독! 기간한정 할인프로모션 모음집(상시 업데이트 中)

이웃님, 이번 주도 놓칠 수 없는 특별한 할인과 신상품 소식을 준비했습니다! 매력적인 가격과 다양한 혜택...



2. Vocabulary (Matching 유형)

지문 1:

Match the word with its correct definition based on the sentences.


  1. The new product was a resounding success, exceeding all expectations.
  2. Her tenacious spirit helped her overcome many challenges.
  3. The scientist’s findings were groundbreaking, opening new possibilities in the field.

A) Strong and determined
B) Very successful or impressive
C) Innovative and introducing new ideas

해석 및 정답:

  1. B) Very successful or impressive
  2. A) Strong and determined
  3. C) Innovative and introducing new ideas

지문 2:

Match the verb to its correct meaning.


  1. The company aims to streamline its operations to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  2. They are trying to foster a culture of creativity and innovation within the team.
  3. The government plans to subsidise renewable energy projects to encourage their adoption.

A) Provide financial support
B) Encourage or promote
C) Simplify and make more efficient

해석 및 정답:

  1. C) Simplify and make more efficient
  2. B) Encourage or promote
  3. A) Provide financial support

지문 3:

Match the adjective to its correct description.


  1. Her resilient nature allowed her to bounce back quickly after facing difficulties.
  2. The market is volatile, with prices changing rapidly and unpredictably.
  3. His meticulous work ensured that every detail was taken care of.

A) Detailed and careful
B) Able to recover quickly from difficulties
C) Changing rapidly and unpredictably

해석 및 정답:

  1. B) Able to recover quickly from difficulties
  2. C) Changing rapidly and unpredictably
  3. A) Detailed and careful

3. Grammar (Fill-in-the-Blank 유형)

지문 1:

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb:

By the time the meeting starts, we (finalise) the contract.


  • A) finalised
  • B) will have finalised
  • C) finalise
  • D) are finalising
  • E) have finalised

답변 및 해석:
B) will have finalised
미래 완료형을 사용하여 "회의가 시작될 때쯤 우리는 계약을 마무리했을 것이다"라는 의미입니다.

지문 2:

Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction:

He didn’t attend the meeting, (although / because / so / but / if) he had another appointment.


  • A) although
  • B) because
  • C) so
  • D) but
  • E) if

답변 및 해석:
B) because
해석: "그는 다른 약속이 있었기 때문에 회의에 참석하지 못했다"라는 이유를 나타내는 접속사 "because"가 적합합니다.

지문 3:

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb:

If they (invest) more in research, they would have developed the technology sooner.


  • A) invested
  • B) invest
  • C) had invested
  • D) will invest
  • E) have invested

답변 및 해석:
C) had invested
가정법 과거 완료형으로 "그들이 연구에 더 많이 투자했더라면 기술을 더 일찍 개발했을 것이다"라는 의미입니다.

#영어문법연습 #효율적인영어학습 #어휘확장 #미래완료형 #영어독해연습 #의사소통유지방법 #성공적인협업 #재생에너지기술 #단어매칭연습 #효율적인일처리
